Postmypost — create, approve and publish 6x faster
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When you enter the platform, the page in which you worked last time will open. This will save a lot of time for a quick start. Have a good...
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In our photo and video editor, you can add different stickers for your stories. We've added a magnet and guides so you can align any two objects on the screen with each other. Start moving one of the objects in the editor and you'll see guides appear immediately. As soon as an object is...
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Admit it: you've been waiting for the release of the Android version of the app. Postmypost is already on Google Play and the first version is available for download! And soon the application will appear in the App Store. We know for sure that you will appreciate Postmypost on your...
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We have added watermarks feature! To protect photos and videos in your publications from copying, add a watermark to them. To set up watermarks go to Project settings > Watermarks, then upload your logo, select the size and location for the watermark. then set...
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Postmypost — The first service for managing SMM projects with artificial intelligence!
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